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Campers at CGI Florida Girls share their inspiration

Today concludes the second session at Gan Yisroel (CGI) Florida. In addition to the vibrant activities and dedicated staff, this year in addition to campers only being on the receiving end, there was a special focus on reaching out and inspiring others with Ahavas Yisroel.

The theme of the Summer was Chassidim Ein Mishpocha – United as One. A distinctive and moving song was composed, recorded and danced to throughout the summer. (For Women and Girls only – Kol Isha -

Included in a family, and the foundation of the family are the Grandparents, the figure that children respect and feel connected to. In the world at large, seniors (Bubby’s and Zeidy’s) are not always seen as an integral part of society and upbringing of the youth. The Rebbe, on the other hand, showed and taught us how to care for, respect and love seniors in the way they deserve.

In the summer of 1980, the Rebbe spoke for several weeks on this idea and Kollel Tiferes Zekeinim - Levi Yitzchok’s were founded throughout the world. “Tiferes Zekeinim” – The beauty of the Elderly & Wise, and “Levi Yitzchok” after the Rebbe’s father, who’s yahrtzeit is on Chof Av.

This year at Gan Yisroel, campers had the ability to be teachers and educators in senior (elderly) living facilities in Florida. Large groups of Jewish seniors would gather and listen to inspiring words of the campers. This was followed by reciting the Shema and other tefilos. The joy and warmth of Yiddishkeit that was imparted was indescribable. As one resident said, “They turn the oy of Yiddishkeit into Joy!”.

This mivtzoim at senior facilities was guided and conducted by the camp directors Rabbi Eli & Shira Wajsbort, who during the year run Chabad Wisdom Circle of Parkland, Shlichus with seniors.

A special thanks to Rabbi Yossi and Bayla Biston for all their guidance, support and work into making a memorable summer that with no doubt will remain with the campers, and a summer that gives nachas to the Rebbe.


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