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2 min read
Celebrating with Heart: A Guide to Caring for Seniors During Purim
Purim is a holiday that is celebrated by Jews all over the world, with festivities ranging from the reading of the Megillah, the...

2 min read
Celebrating Chanukah with Our Senior Citizens: A Guide to the Festival of Lights
Chanukah, also known as Hanukkah, is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the victory of the Maccabees over the forces of the Greek-Syrian...

3 min read
The Beauty of the Elderly
Give respect to the old --Leviticus 19:32 Some years ago, it happened that an American college student was vacationing in Israel, and...

9 min read
Growing Old
The Jewish view on aging and retirement Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Courtesy of The Torah...
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