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Jewish Living Weekly

Issue 7 - Vayikra.png

Feature Article: Falling into Faith

Feature Interview: The Way to Schlep

Issue 5 - Terumah.png

Feature Article: A Month of Joy

Feature Interview: Loretta Butler

Issue 3 - Yisro (1).png

Feature Article: Branches - We Are One

Feature Interview: How Jew You Do?

Senior Living Weekly - Bo.png

Feature Article: Optimistic Outlook

Feature Interview: Susan Meyerson

Issue 6 - Purim.png

Feature Article: What is Purim?

Feature Interview:  Mordechai the Tzadik

Issue 4 - Mishpatim.png

Feature Article: A Life of Quiet Heroism

Feature Interview: Mike Senders

Senior Living Weekly - Beshalach (1).png

Feature Article: 7 Things You Can Do for Israel Today

Feature Interview: Muriel Handwerger

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