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2 min read
Passover with Purpose: How You Can Help Jewish Seniors Celebrate with Joy and Dignity
Passover, or Pesach, is a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is a time of...
2 min read
Sell your Chametz
As Passover approaches, Jews around the world prepare to remove chametz from their homes and follow the holiday's strict dietary laws....
3 min read
Why is this Matzah different than all other Matzahs?
Handmade Shmurah Matzah is a unique type of matzah that is highly regarded and sought after by many Jews during the Passover holiday. It...
2 min read
Celebrating with Heart: A Guide to Caring for Seniors During Purim
Purim is a holiday that is celebrated by Jews all over the world, with festivities ranging from the reading of the Megillah, the...
3 min read
What is Purim and how is it celebrated?
The Story of Purim Purim is a holiday that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia. The story of Purim is...
2 min read
The Mighty Maccabees: The Brave Jewish Warriors Who Defied the odds
The story of Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a story of triumph and religious freedom. The Jewish people were ruled by...
2 min read
Celebrating Chanukah with Our Senior Citizens: A Guide to the Festival of Lights
Chanukah, also known as Hanukkah, is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the victory of the Maccabees over the forces of the Greek-Syrian...
2 min read
Campers at CGI Florida Girls share their inspiration
Today concludes the second session at Gan Yisroel (CGI) Florida. In addition to the vibrant activities and dedicated staff, this year in...
1 min read
The Second Passover - Pesach Sheni
Dear Honorable Friends, Today Sunday, May 15th is a minor Holiday called Pesach Sheni which means "The Second Passover." It marks the day...
3 min read
The Beauty of the Elderly
Give respect to the old --Leviticus 19:32 Some years ago, it happened that an American college student was vacationing in Israel, and...
9 min read
Growing Old
The Jewish view on aging and retirement Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Courtesy of The Torah...
6 min read
Cremation or Burial?
Why you should bury your loved one the Jewish way By Doron Kornbluth In normal circumstances, children must respect their parents’...
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